Occupational Therapy
At Carousel, we empower and support our students to develop the skills necessary for daily activities. Our team of occupational therapists provides individual, consultative, clinic, and classroom based services tailored to fit the individual needs of the child and family. We teach and support skill development from the time they hang up their coat in the morning to when they put it back on at the end of the day. With our team, the school environment provides many developmental learning opportunities focused on each child’s skill development. We also provide the family with resources for continuing these opportunities, or others, at home. Our occupational therapists collaborate with the classroom teachers and parents to design the most therapeutically effective programs for clinic, school, and home.

Carousel Non-Public School
7899 La Tijera Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (310) 645-9222
Fax: (310) 645-4201