Physical Therapy
Carousel School physical therapy services include assessments for developmental risks or delays, neurological disorders, muscle analysis, head traumas, congenital anomalies, range of motion, and orthopedic conditions. Our physical therapists specialize in pediatrics, serving children from birth to eight years old. Many of our students receive gait analysis, sensory evaluation, and mobility evaluations. Our team also provides therapy recommendations and evaluates the need for adaptive equipment. As part of the transdisciplinary team, our physical therapists collaborate with our educational staff, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and behaviorists to provide a comprehensive treatment plan.
School-based physical therapy addresses purposeful and goal-directed activities to improve functioning within the educational environment in the following areas:
- Posture
- Balance
- Motor Planning
- Sensorimotor Coordination
- Functional Mobility

Carousel Non-Public School
7899 La Tijera Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (310) 645-9222
Fax: (310) 645-4201