Carousel’s door-to-curb transportation services provide round-trip transportation for students enrolled at Carousel. We transport students within a 15 mile radius of Carousel School (depending on location), which includes the greater Los Angeles areas stretching from Malibu to the South Bay Area. All of our drivers are certified in CPR and First Aid, and travel with an assistant who provides direct student monitoring. All drivers and van aides have an annual in-service training about driving and passenger safety to stay up to date with rules and regulations. Each van is equipped with mobile phones with hands-free headsets, and emergency supplies.
If your child does not need to be transported on any day, please call the school office as far in advance as possible. For planned absences such as appointments or vacations, please give at least 24 hour notice to the Director of Transportation, Nelson Hernandez. You can reach the office at 310-645-9222 between 6:30am and 4:00pm. Please leave a message on the answering machine if you call after school hours.
If you need to make any changes in your child’s pick-up or drop-off location or times, please notify Mr. Nelson. Please keep in mind that our drivers cannot change their own route. Changes to a pick-up or drop off location or time require a 24-hour notice with Mr. Nelson, with the exception of emergency situations. However, parents need to maintain a constant pick-up and drop-off address.
Also, please inform our school office if you have changed your work, home, office, or cell phone number. It is of the utmost importance that we have access to you whenever needed for the safety of your child.
For any questions regarding transportation, please contact Nelson Hernandez, Director of Transportation, at (310) 645-9222 x 108 or (310) 491-6368 (CELL)

Carousel School
7899 La Tijera Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (310) 645-9222
Fax: (310) 645-4201